Abortion is a divisive topic, drawing sharp debate from all sides. And despite the Supreme Court’s move in 2022 to quash the controversial Roe v. Wade ruling, the procedure remains legal in some states. Plus, there are several reputable abortion clinics in Portland Oregon and beyond.
The CDC reports that in 2020, there were 620,327 legal abortions in the US. Typically, abortion procedures vary depending on the situation. Also, how advanced the pregnancy determines the type of abortion an individual might consider. Let’s cast more light on the various procedures available, including when they’re applicable.
1. Medical Abortion
The conception process of a child begins when the sperm merges with an egg in the fallopian tube. At this point, the newly formed zygote moves toward the uterus. This process is known as ‘implantation’ and usually occurs six to twelve days after fertilization.
During this formative stage, a woman can terminate the pregnancy by taking a pill known as Misoprostol or Mifepristone. This form of abortion is only available while an individual is within ten weeks of her last menstrual period (LMP). Your physician can safely prescribe the medication to terminate a pregnancy during this time.
2. Vacuum Aspiration
This type of abortion involves using a vacuum-like instrument that suctions the lining of the uterus and removes tissue or the embryo. The procedure is done in a clinical setting, usually in an outpatient clinic. It’s also only available for women up to the 13th week of pregnancy or the first trimester.
Also dubbed ‘suction abortion,’ it involves opening the cervix to access the uterus. The doctor uses a speculum to keep the vagina open, then inserts a cannula (a thin and hollow plastic tube) into the uterus.
They also inject an anesthetic to reduce discomfort. Then, they then attach a manual syringe to the cannula, pump the amniotic fluid, and suction out the embryo.
3. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
Before undertaking this procedure, your physician may rely on an ultrasound to determine the gestational age of your pregnancy. Prep work may involve using laminaria sticks – small pieces of seaweed that absorb water and help dilate the cervix.
The physician uses this procedure if you’re in your second trimester, typically between weeks 13 and 26. You may also take prescribed medication to soften the cervix and uterus. They then use forceps to access and remove the fetus, besides employing a vacuum-like device to extract the remaining tissues. For guidance, the physician may also rely on ultrasound images.
Other physicians use medication (an injection into the abdomen) to terminate the fetal heartbeat before a D&E procedure. And following the procedure, they may prescribe medication to stop bleeding or an antibiotic to prevent infection.
4. Dilation and Extraction (D&X)
The more advanced your pregnancy, the higher the risk of complications when seeking a medical abortion or vacuum aspiration. Therefore, your physician may recommend a dilation and extraction (D&X) procedure.
Also referred to as partial-birth abortion, this procedure (illegal in some states) eliminates the fetus via suction and use of forceps. It usually takes place between week 17 and the mid-trimester of pregnancy.
The physician dilates the cervix and introduces surgical instruments into the uterus. They then locate the fetus’ legs and deliver the child through the cervix until only the head remains.
They then puncture or create a hole in the back of the fetus’ skull and extract the contents of the head before entirely removing the baby. As you might imagine, this procedure is highly controversial, even though it’s typically used when a woman faces health risks if her pregnancy proceeds.
5. Saline Abortion
Also referred to as ‘saline amniocentesis,’ this technique is rarely used today, given the development of safer and more effective abortion methods. During a saline abortion, your doctor injects a concentrated salt solution into the amniotic cavity, which induces premature labor. Thereafter, your physician may use vacuum aspiration to clean out the remaining tissues and uterine lining.
6. Labor Induction
This technique isn’t typically used to terminate a pregnancy. Still, it may be needed if the fetus is no longer viable. During labor induction, your doctor induces labor by using medication that contracts the uterine muscles and helps expel the fetus. They then use forceps or other medical instruments to extract the remnants.
Labor induction is considered an effective abortion method, given the possibility of infection or excessive bleeding if a woman opts to proceed with her pregnancy. However, this procedure requires advanced knowledge and skill.
Each type of abortion procedure poses risks. Hence, talk to your doctor beforehand and ensure you understand the potential side effects and associated complications. Then, you can better chart your course – by prioritizing your health and learning about all your options.