With about 12.5% of US-born having at least a foreign parent, the chances of someone close to you getting arrested by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is pretty high. So it makes sense to educate yourself on the process of getting immigration bonds and what the entire process entails. Besides educating yourself on how to use immigration bonds, you should also make sure you have a professional bail bond company like Connecticut Bail Bonds Group on speed dial. They know immigration laws and can guide you through them.
Read on to learn more about immigration bonds.
What is an Immigration Bond?
If your loved ones have been arrested by the ICE, they are usually detained and have to appear before a court. The judge then decides whether they will be released on bail or deported back to their country of origin.
An immigration bond is a financial guarantee that enables the release of someone detained by ICE. The immigration bond fee is usually determined by the Department of Homeland Security. This amount varies depending on the severity of the case. However, you can’t pay below $1,500 for a delivery bond. For a voluntary departure bond, the minimum is $500.
The fee is usually high to ensure that the detainee appears on time for all court procedures and does not elope after the bail. In situations where the detainee does not appear in court, an arrest warrant will be issued. The immigration bond money is refundable, provided that you are available for all court hearings. It is only used to assure ICE that you’ll abide by immigration laws.
Types of Immigration Bonds
Delivery Bond
A delivery Bond is a common immigration bond. It is used by the immigration judge to make sure the detainee appears in court for hearings. On occasions where the detainee fails to appear in court, then they lose the immigration bond money. It is mostly applicable to undocumented immigrants and is usually paid to any ICE field office.
Voluntary Departure Bond
If your loved one is granted a voluntary departure bond, it means they can leave the country on their own instead of going through the formal deportation process. Once such a person has left the country, the bond will be refunded. The court will give you a deadline to leave the country and return to your home country; however, if you fail to leave by the said date, you will lose your bond money.
Who Qualifies For an Immigration Bond?
It is essential to know that not everyone can apply for an immigration bond. To qualify for an immigration bond, you must meet the requirements below:
- You have never committed or been convicted of a serious crime.
- You have evidence that shows that you’re a flight risk and won’t be a threat to the community if released.
- You’re not applying for admission at the entry port.
After scrutinizing the above, the judge will decide if you’re eligible for an immigration bond or not. If you’ve committed crimes like serious felonies or moral wickedness, you may be unable to apply for an immigration bond.
How to Pay an Immigration Bond?
Paying an immigration bond is crucial to your release. You will also get the opportunity to get the right counsel, spend time with your loved ones, and strategize on the way forward. You can pay an immigration bond in two ways:
- Cash Bond
Although immigration bonds are usually high, some people can afford them. If you have the money, you can pay the cash, appear in court for hearings, and then get your money back. If you’re paying an immigration bond on your own, you don’t have to worry about additional fees. However, it may take about a year to get your refund.
- Surety bond
There’s no need to panic if you’re unable to pay for an immigration bond. You can simply contact a reliable bail bond company that will pay the bond on your behalf for a token. This will also guarantee you a smooth and fast process.
There are many immigration bond agents out there, and it can be confusing to choose the right one. However, ensure you take your time to research the company before you choose them. Trust, availability, and affordability are some of the factors to consider when choosing an immigration bond agent. Asking for collateral is also a red flag you should beware of. Make sure to do proper research on the bail bond company you plan on using before signing with them.